Social Media Addiction
In droves, we engage on social media with selfies, Likes, follows, and shares. These are actions that positively re-enforce the idea that...
Medicine To A Long Recovery
If you are one of those people who say that there is no such thing called magic, then I would like to close your eyes once and imagine...
Binge Drinking and Alcohol Overdose
“I like the taste of it” “I like the kick it gives to my mood” It relaxes me after a tiresome day” and more than thousands of reasons...
What to Say if You Discover Your Child is Using Drugs
Parents who know or suspect their child is using drugs or alcohol are often at a loss for what to do next. Do you take a hard-lined...
We Asked, You Answered: How often do you talk to Your Children about Drugs and Alcohol?
For many parents, regularly talking to their children about addictive substances can be challenging. With this in mind, we asked our...
Who develops addiction?
Many people engage in risky use of alcohol and drugs and anyone can develop a substance problem. Some people may progress and develop a...
Addiction in Women
Despite using substances at lower levels than men, women typically progress from substance use to addiction more quickly than their male...
Types of addiction
Approximately 16% of the U.S. population ages 12 and over has a substance problem. This includes: Nicotine (approximately 9%) Alcohol...
Addiction as a Disease
The Disease Model of Addiction Addiction is defined as a disease by most medical associations, including the American Medical Association...
What is Meth Psychosis ?
Meth-induced psychosis puts sufferers out of touch with reality and causes delusions, paranoia and aggressive behaviour. Find out more...