Drug Dreams in Addiction Recovery What You Need to Know
It is common for recovering addicts to have drug dreams and they can be incredibly stressful and create negative feelings and emotions....

Your Complete Guide to Relapse Prevention
The risk for relapse is so high that it is often considered an intrinsic part of the addiction recovery process. But, after a full-blown...

Staying Sober by Building Confidence in Addiction Recovery
Building confidence and self-esteem is an integral part of staying sober. So you have achieved sobriety! Perhaps you recently completed...

What To do if You Think a Family Member Needs Treatment For Addiction
There are often no warning signs when a family member starts using drugs. In the early stages of their addiction they are usually able to...

Is It Ever Too Late to Help an Alcoholic or Drug Addict?
Here at SHAFAHOME we get several questions each week regarding alcohol, drugs, abuse, addiction and so on. One of the popular questions...

14 Essential Tips for Staying Sober
Having trouble staying sober? Use these tips to make your addiction recovery just a little bit easier. Whether you are considering drug...

How to Make Friends in Addiction Recovery
It’s often difficult to make friends in recovery, but it’s an important part of remaining sober long-term. Use these tips to help make...

How Media Impacts Youth and Children Today
All over the world, parents and carers, teachers and medical professionals are expressing concern about how media impacts youth and...

How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Your System?
Alcohol affects your body, as it is processed in the short and long term. How long does alcohol stay in your system? It’s a question most...

Four Simple Ways to Help an Addict
SHAFA HOME, often receives phone calls with concerned family members of an addict wanting to know various ways that we can help them. Due...