Conquering The Inner Demons With Lord Ganesha | Addiction Recovery
Lord Ganesha is a powerful motivational symbol for those who have the willingness to overcome addiction, whether from alcohol or drugs.

How “Triggers” Steal Your Freedom in Recovery ???
Much is being said about changing the nomenclature in the treatment of problematic substance use. The latest diagnostic manual (DSM-5)...

21 Addiction Recovery Tips and Facts
1. Addiction is a brain disease. It is helpful to remember that addiction is a disease of the brain, like asthma is a disease of the...

Key To Relapse Prevention
The Key To Relapse Prevention Is Handling Triggers And Warning Signs Most addicts, especially those in recovery, would agree: addiction...
A Goodbye Letter to My Addiction
Dear Addiction, Saying goodbye to you seems like the hardest thing I’ll ever have to do. You’ve been around for quite some time now, and...

Recovery and the Neurology of Joy & Happiness
How The Neurology of Joy Influences Recovery True joy can be an enigma to many of us who suffer with addictive behaviors for many...

Chemical Communicators: How Drugs Speak To The Brain
Chemicals And The Brain The brain is a complex network of neurons that communicate through the use of chemicals. These chemical compounds...

The Stigma of Addiction
The Stigma of Addiction There’s a stigma in our society surrounding addiction — a belief that those who abuse drugs or alcohol, despite...

Addiction and Loneliness
Loneliness Loneliness is often viewed as a negative state of existence, although some alone time is needed to recharge. A Harvard study...

Celebrating Your Recovery Birthday
SHAFA HOME Why You Should Be Celebrating Your Recovery Birthday All of us choose to recognize major life events and occasions with...