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Four Simple Ways to Help an Addict

SHAFA HOME, often receives phone calls with concerned family members of an addict wanting to know various ways that we can help them. Due to the high volume of requests that we receive regarding this topic, we felt that it was important to share our thoughts with all of our readers.

Making the decision to help someone struggling with an addiction is not easy, but with your added compassion and support, they will have a greater chance at getting treatment and ultimately overcoming their addiction. Each and every addict is different, thus situations will be unique; however, we have determined 4 very useful ways in which you can use to help an addict.

Stop Enabling

In order to help an addict towards sobriety, the very first thing you must do is stop enabling. This is something that most concerned people innocently do. Oftentimes, as an enabler, you may believe that you are helping the addict when in fact you are allowing them, even making it easier, to carry on with their addiction.

For those unfamiliar with enabling here is an example. Have you ever called the addicts work and told the manager that they were sick when they were too hung over to go in? If so, that is enabling. You can help an addict without enabling them, but you must be very clear and consistent and tell the addict that you will no longer help them to continue with their destructive ways.

Be Supportive

While explaining your honest concern to the addict, in a clear, yet concise manner it is important to remain supportive and loving. This allows the addict to understand your stance on the situation, but at the same time, feel like they have someone to turn to.

Explain to the addict that they are not alone and that you, as well as family members and friends, will be with them each and every step of the way. Showing the desire to help and offering support can be a great comfort to any addict and can be an excellent way to keep them on a positive path to recovery.

Consider an Intervention

Sometimes, with all the support and advice that you have to offer the addict, it is not enough for them to decide to seek help for themselves. In these situations, an intervention may be the best option to bring an end to this destructive lifestyle. An interventionist can help the addict in getting appropriate treatment for their addiction.

Treatment at a Rehab

While the there are many methods of treatment, an inpatient rehabilitation center is the most effective way to overcome an addiction. An inpatient rehab will provide a safe and controlled environment in which the addict can focus solely on recovery. These centers implement various types of therapies and techniques incorporated into a well structured program.

It is important to note, that addiction is like a rollercoaster and getting help for an addict is not always easy. They may deny that they have any kind of problem, they may fear consequences, they may be embarrassed or feel ashamed to talk about it, they may be turning to these substances as a way of coping with underlying issues, or they may just not see anything wrong and not have any desire to change.

Helping an addict can be a difficult process with bumps along the way, but it is possible. It is important to remain supportive, compassionate, patient, and determined. Additionally, there are many other ways that you can help an addict; the above are only a few simple, yet important points.

SHAFA HOME, is a leading drug and alcohol rehabilitation center located in ROHINI SECTOR 20 DEHLI , INDIA. It is a private luxury rehab that is not only affordable, but has become recognized throughout the world for its effective treatment programs.

If you have a loved one who is in need of help for an addiction, please contact us today.

(These Articles are the sole property of “The Cabin Chiang Mai“,they are its original authors)

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