Why Problem Gambling is on the Rise Among Elderly Indians
Why Problem Gambling is on the Rise Among Elderly Indians
It comes in second worldwide for gambling. And among the many gamblers in India,

more than half elderly – highlighting an urgent need for gambling addiction treatment catering to those in our respected aging population. Gambling problems among the elderly could be due in part to the fact that “older adults face later life transitions such as retirement,
lack of opportunities to socialize, death of a spouse and friends, and chronic illness,
which may lead them to turn to gambling and other behaviors (e.g., drinking) as a distraction from the age-appropriate changes they experience at this time in their lives.”
Gambling: A Staple of Indians Life
Gambling addiction is a widespread problem to be sure – in fact, studies show that up to And the problem is especially pronounced in Indians, where the avenues to gambling are plentiful.
During any soccer or sports season, countless gamblers bet on their favorite teams, hoping to earn some side cash if theirs comes out on top. gambling is harmless, acceptable and fun.
Gambling Holds Major Appeal for Retirees
Given the extensive operating hours of these rooms, the opportunities for spending time here are virtually endless.. Customers can cruise overnight, creating the feeling of a mini getaway. Some even bring their families on-board as a cheap family vacation of sorts, allowing them to gamble to their heart’s content while their loved ones enjoy other forms of entertainment like movies, dancing and gaming.
How Slot Machine Addiction is Taking its Toll
The luxury of being in a jackpot room, however, often comes with a staggering price.
These games are intentionally designed to keep players playing. Audio and visual displays of spinning reels and clanging coins provide a sense of satisfaction.
Seeing the symbols fall into place on the screen builds up players’ anticipation and excitement. With each passing game, they feel their break big break is drawing nearer, and each near-miss beckons another turn.
Small wins that provide financial incentives and earn accolades from friends reinforce the whole cycle. In this way, what starts as an innocent pastime can quickly turn into a compulsive habit.
Mounting losses also make it harder to walk away – and this is when things start to get really problematic.
It’s no secret that gambling odds are in favour of the house. When gamblers start to feel the impact of their losses, but continue playing in an attempt to win them back, they eventually run out of ways to replenish their funds. This is especially true for retirees on fixed incomes, who often end up in inescapable debt.
Less opportunities to recoup their losses leave seniors even more vulnerable to the effects of problem gambling. And as with any addiction, gambling can become a way to escape from their boredom, loneliness or depression. Gambling may be behind the concerning rise of suicides among our elderly population: a record high. Debt accumulated from habitual gambling is thought to be one of the phenomenon’s main causes.
Signs of Gambling Addiction
The line between social gambling and gambling addiction is a thin and tenuous one. How do you know when it’s time to raise the issue of your elder family member’s gambling problem?
Look for the following signs of gambling addiction:
Lying in attempt to cover up gambling behaviour
Chasing losses
Gambling more than they can afford
Increasing bet amounts
Preoccupation with gambling
Irritability and frustration when unable to play
Inability to stop gambling
Addiction is far more than a simple matter of willpower, and putting an end to it is never easy. And as populations age in developed countries worldwide, this issue is likely to affect increasing amounts of our elders.
Elders May Have a Harder Time Asking for Help
Free hotlines and gambling addiction rehabilitation centers exist in India to help curb related issues. However, some of the older generations aren’t aware of the available avenues for treatment.
The social stigma in our traditional community adds to the shame of addiction, making many who are struggling feel the need to be secretive about their issues.
The first step to seeking treatment takes a lot of courage, and they need encouragement in doing so.
While denial is a key aspect of any addiction, and it’s important not to enable this behavior, it’s also important to help those in your life who want to break the cycle. If someone expresses their desire to get help, keep an open mind and show your support.
You can assist them in seeking treatment from a gambling-specialized addiction treatment professional who can help them break free from gambling in a lasting way.
If an elder in your family is falling victim to the gambling industry’s addictive tactics, and you’re unsure of what steps to take, Our compassionate team of addiction specialists can explain your options and help you create a plan for gently and effectively approaching your loved one.
We maintain a strict confidentiality policy, so you can rest assured that their privacy will be respected.
( These Articles are the sole property of “ The Cabin Chiang Mai “ , they are its original authors )