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Drug Addiction And Treatment

The world that we live in, God made it for strong men and women, people who would fight personal challenges everyday to lead a meaningful life. Sadly, Mother Earth felt victim to a dreadful beast, i.e. addiction. Today, we live in a world comprising of addictive patterns and unhealthy lifestyles, and depression & anxiety have become scary words for us. But what is the way to bring society towards normalcy, have you ever wondered?

In its purest definition, addiction is a chronic disease that alters the brain in many ways. No matter their age or substance of choice, all the addicts have one thing in common - they are like cars that won't run without fuel. As long as they get fuel life runs smoothly, but on a typical day when they don't get refuelled, they easily get overpowered by their own demons, and several disorders are bound to affect them, and subsequently, their loved ones.

Due to drug & alcohol abuse, their brains have become used to seeking pleasure only through consuming their substances. To them, there seems to be no other healthy alternative to fill their emptiness other than the drug. As a result, a never-ending series of addictive behaviour continues, while their family lives in a false hope that one day, my loved one will get the willpower to quit drugs on his own. Unfortunately, some addicts lose their lives during this process.

Breaking The Shackles: The Way To Freedom

So is there a way to break this vicious cycle of cravings and emptiness? How can help be provided to an addicted personality who does not believe there is a problem in the first place? The answer to these crucial questions is one single word, i.e. treatment.

As long as we ignore this reality, the roots of the problem get stronger. And as soon as an addict comes into treatment, the fact that his problems are being addressed at their roots, makes way for his/her willpower to prevail. So the earlier the access to therapy, the lesser the deterioration of attitudes in an addict. Treatment acts like a catalyst to fix the damage caused by those long years of addiction, yet there is a common notion in society that abhors treatment & rehabilitation.

Once In Treatment: The Way Forward

As the body gets detoxed, the mind starts to welcome all the positive changes happening in the body with time. The biggest challenge, then, is to win the battle of the brain. God created us all for a purpose, and the road to recovery leads through the realization that God exists in many forms around us, trying to motivate us and help us. It is us who have to gather courage to fight our challenges. With the help of Therapy that prepares the addict to win this war, and counsellors who train the brains of patients, anyone suffering from alcohol and drug addiction can live a happy and healthy life in recovery.


This blog is written by a recovering addict who found his wings in the hands of 'Shafa'.

Shafa Home is India's largest & oldest rehabilitation centre for correction, detoxification and treatment of alcohol and drug related problems. To see us in action, Please Visit our YouTube Channel.



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