FTCA Global Consultation Hours at Shafa Home
In their constant endeavour to collaborate and cooperate within the global Therapeutic Community movement, the Federation of Therapeutic Communities in Asia (FTCA) hosted a special training program this Saturday, the 30th of October, 2021. As the Premiere Edition of TC Consultation Hours organized by FTCA, the session witnessed a global audience gaining access to modern TC tools, developments and operational challenges for better knowledge and better care of addicts under treatment across the planet.

Being at the centre stage of TC development in the Indian subcontinent, the FTCA is a global organization recognized by the World Federation of Therapeutic Communities (WFTC). As we all know, Mr. Ranjan Dhar, Founder & CEO of Shafa Home, who also happens to be the Global FTCA Secretary, has been spearheading the TC movement in India with his dynamic approach in the last two decades.

For the first time in history, a training & consultation hour of such a high value was conducted online. Covering 45 therapeutic communities worldwide, the mission of this program was to transfer skills & knowledge of the global deaddiction therapists & experts onto the new generation in order to preserve the moral values that constitute the foundation of the Therapeutic Community Model. Major countries like Indonesia, Philippines, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and India participated in this first online consultation hour by the FTCA, wherein a diverse panel of highly experienced TC experts answered the queries of a global audience in a detailed manner.

We, the Shafa Family, thank all our global audience, and the distinguished panel of experts for their unwavering commitment to the cause of service to society.
Blog Courtesy: ShafaHome.org Newsroom
This news article is written by a recovering addict who found his wings in the hands of 'Shafa'.
Shafa Home is India's largest & oldest rehabilitation centre for correction, detoxification and treatment of alcohol and drug related problems. To see us in action, Please Visit our YouTube Channel.